Cellulose and fiberglass, or glass wool as it’s actually called, are two of the most-used insulation materials in construction, with rockwool and spray foam, of course, and they both perform extremely well. However, is there one that outperforms the other? Is one more affordable, easier to install, etc.? In this article, I will be comparing […]

Cellulose vs Fiberglass insulation for Soundproofing! Leer más »

So, you just installed some rockwool in your walls, attic, or in a ceiling, and you’re wondering if it’s ok to leave it like that of if it absolutely needs to be covered up. Maybe there are some health risks involved? Or maybe this could be detrimental to the rockwool itself? In this article, I

Rockwool; Does it need to be Covered? Leer más »

We all know that rockwool is great for both soundproofing and acoustic treatment. But how thick does it need to be? Is there a difference between the thicker and thinner pieces of rockwool in terms of sound absorption?What about its density? Does it have an effect on sound absorption? In this article, I will be

Rockwool Thickness & Density for Soundproofing! Leer más »

Rockwool and fiberglass, or glass wool as it’s actually called, are the two most-used insulation materials in construction and they both perform extremely well. However, is there one that outperforms the other? Is one more affordable, easier to install, etc.? In this article, I will be comparing fiberglass to rockwool in terms of how they

Rockwool vs Fiberglass insulation for Soundproofing! Leer más »

If you live on a busy street or if you have really noisy neighbors, then you know how important the role is that acoustic insulation plays, since the difference with and without it can be as big as night and day. There are many different sound insulation materials, such as rockwool, spray foam, cellulose, fiberglass,

Spray foam vs Fiberglass insulation for Soundproofing! Leer más »

If you live on a busy street or if you have really noisy neighbors, then you know how important the role is that acoustic insulation plays, since the difference with and without it can be as big as night and day. There are many different sound insulation materials, such as Rockwool, spray foam, cellulose, fiberglass,

Spray Foam Insulation vs Rockwool for Soundproofing! Leer más »

I already talked about spray foam and its benefits in terms of heat and sound insulation (mostly soundproofing since that’s what this website is all about), but I haven’t really talked too much about a very serious issue that spray foam suffers from which is that it’s quite flammable. In this article, I will be

Is Spray Foam Flammable? Leer más »

You see so many pictures of homes, music studios, rooms, etc., covered in acoustic foam and you think “hey, I’m going to get me some acoustic foam panels so that I don’t have to hear my neighbors all day”, or maybe you live on a busy street and want to reduce the outside noise from

Does acoustic foam block outside noise? Leer más »

Are soundproofing materials flammable? Is it dangerous to install them in your home or during construction?In this article, I will be going over if soundproofing can be considered a fire hazard, the different materials you can use and how flammable they are, and much more. So, without any further ado, let’s get started! Is soundproofing

Soundproofing; Is it a fire hazard? Leer más »

Living in a home with noisy neighbors, on a noisy street, with a construction site nearby, etc., can be an extremely unsatisfying experience, but is there something you can do about it besides buying a pair of earplugs? In this article, I will be going over what soundproofing is, if it works, how it differs

Soundproofing: Does it really work? Leer más »

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