Insonorizar una habitación para batería: ¡los 7 pasos!

Being a drummer is awesome, being the neighbor of one is less awesome unless proper soundproofing is implemented.

In this article I will go over all of the steps you need to take in order to efficiently soundproof your drum room.

So, let’s get straight into it!

How to soundproof a room for Drums?

To keep the sound of a drum kit from leaving the room you will need to seal off all the possible ways where it can get out, which means that soundproofing the doors, windows, walls, and installing sound/vibration absorption materials such as a rug will be required.

Now I will go into the specifics and also tell you what you should prioritize soundproofing, starting with the door:

Soundproof the door

The first and most important place to start with is the Door.

If it isn’t sealed off perfectly, then the sound will definitely come out of the room. Just a single small opening in the door can drastically change how much noise is allowed to come through.

A good tip for you to implement is to close the door, same thing can be applied to windows, and have someone use a flashlight from the other side on the edges of the door.

You will be able to tell if there are gaps between the door and the frame this way. If light shines through, you need to seal that crack.

Another way to do this is by feeling the airflow. If there’s any part of the door where you can feel some air coming through, then sound will also be able to. Make sure to seal those parts up!

Steps to soundproofing a door

I wrote a complete guide on how to properly soundproof a door that you can find by following this link and I highly suggest you read it to learn more, but here’s a quick summary:

  1. Burlete de la puerta: La cinta burlete es, con diferencia, la mejor herramienta para crear un sello hermético entre la puerta y el marco.
  2. Utilice masilla acústica: Si bien no es tan importante, el sellador acústico puede ayudarlo a sellar cualquier espacio que se haya formado a lo largo de los años entre el marco y la pared.
  3. Instalar un barrido de puerta: Un barrido de puerta cubrirá el espacio que queda entre el piso y la puerta.
  4. Add Mass to the Door: Cut a piece of Rigid Foam insulation to the exact size of the door and nail it to it.
  5. Utilice mantas móviles: Moving blankets are good at dampening sound, and hanging one or two of them on the door will lower the level of sound coming through.

Soundproof the windows

El proceso de insonorizar las ventanas es casi idéntico al de las puertas, pero si quieres una guía completa de cómo hacerlo, aquí tienes mi guía sobre cómo insonorizar ventanas.

Again, here’s a quick rundown on how to soundproof a window:

Pasos para insonorizar una ventana

  1. Utilice un burlete: Aquí se aplica el mismo concepto; coloque el burlete al marco y esto debería crear un sello hermético al cerrar la ventana.
  2. Utilice masilla acústica: If there’s a small gap between the frame and the wall, which tends to happen on older windows, use caulk to seal them.
  3. Install A Window Plug: Window plugs are pieces of foam that are slightly bigger than the window and are inserted into the frame to cover it up completely.
  4. Instalar cortinas acústicas: Colgante cortinas acústicas de buena calidad absorberá parte del sonido.
  5. Utilice mantas móviles: Same concept as before; moving blankets are great sound absorbers.

Hay mucho más y si realmente desea insonorizar sus ventanas adecuadamente, consulte la publicación que vinculé anteriormente, pero siempre que coloque burletes en las ventanas y las cubra con un material realmente grueso, debería estar listo.

Instalar paneles de yeso

While it may be quite expensive and time-consuming to add some drywall to your existing walls in order to add another barrier that the sound would need to go through, it might be the best way to go about it in some cases.

Los paneles de yeso actuarán como una barrera adicional, y esto reduce drásticamente la cantidad de ruido que se permite salir de la habitación, y en lo que respecta a la insonorización, la mejor manera es instalar materiales que bloqueen el sonido en lugar de absorberlo, como lo harían los paneles acústicos. para hacerlo.

Una cosa adicional que podrías considerar hacer es agregar algunos compuesto de insonorización a la parte posterior del panel de yeso para bloquear aún más el sonido.

These are the best steps to follow since they are designed to keep sound from getting out.

Installing sound absorption like acoustic panels can help, but those are actually designed to reduce how much the sound is allowed to bounce around IN the room, but not to control how much should be able to leave.

Still, sound absorption can reduce how much of the drum kit’s sound is able to get out, which is why you may want to consider adding it to the room.

Install sound absorbing materials on the walls and ceiling

When you have hard surfaces in a room and you make a loud noise, like a drum would, these soundwaves bounce off every wall, and this is the “echo”, otherwise known as reverb, that you hear when you’re in an empty room.

The easiest way to avoid this is by purchasing some simple acoustic panels that you can hang on your walls and ceiling.

These aren’t particularly expensive, and they can actually look very cool!

There are two different ones I would recommend; The Auralex Acoustics acoustic absorption foam, which you will need plenty of, so make sure to get at least a pack of 24 pieces, and some bass traps like these ones, which will help control the lower frequencies a bit better.

Of course, the more surface you can cover, the better! If you cover the entire walls and ceiling you will definitely notice a dramatic difference.

Acoustic foam, like I already mentioned, isn’t the best way to actually prevent sound from leaving the room, it does help but it’s not the best way.

Paneles Acústicos DIY

If you don’t have the budget to purchase all of the acoustic foam panels, then you could actually build them yourself.

Here you have a couple options, but I’d recommend to either make them using towels Rockwool.

I did both and I have to say that they work incredibly well, especially the ones I made out of rockwool (link to the guide on how to make them).

Here’s a guide on how to make some using towels:

All you will need are some pieces of wood for the frames and a lot of old towels. These could literally end up costing about $2 for each one and what’s even more amazing is that they work just as good as the acoustic foam panels, if not better.

Encontré este fantástico video de DIY Perks en YouTube donde te enseña cómo hacerlos, así que asegúrate de verlo.

Cómo fabricar paneles de absorción acústica de alto rendimiento para $5

Drum Rug

The importance of a drum rug can’t be overstated. It will do a lot to further absorb the sounds created by the drums.

Even though you could use and old rug you have lying around, I’d highly recommend this rug designed specifically for this purpose since it’s affordable and of great quality.

All of these drum rugs should be used on top of a carpeted floor, even though it’s not the end of the world if you use them directly on the floor. However, if you want to get the most out of it then either install carpeting or place another rug under it.

Drum rugs are designed in a specific way where it allows for the spurs and stand to not slip and move during long sessions.

Not only will a rug absorb sound, but more importantly, vibrations, and these can definitely create a lot of unwanted noises on their own.

Drum Shields

If there is one simple solution for drum noise, then it has to be a Drum Shield.

The one issue is that they are really expensive, plus you would still need to apply some of the other soundproofing tips on this list in order to get the best results.

If you really need to lower the volume of your drum set, then you should get the Drum Shield DS4.

If you want a quick solution, then a drum shield would be your best bet, however, even though it prevents sound from going out though the front and sides, it won’t block it from going upwards.

This is why some additional soundproofing is required.


Sound vibrations can easily transfer from one structure to another if they are in direct contact, which makes the problem even worse than it was before.

Here you need to find a way of blocking that transfer of sound/vibration by isolating each structure with an anti-vibration rubber.

Installing any kind of anti-vibration rubber will help tremendously with this.

One tip would be to get one or two thick rugs and place an anti-vibration mat beneath them. You could also take a look at sorbothane, which is one of the best materials available for reducing unwanted vibrations.


Soundproofing a room for drums is something you absolutely should do unless you want to drive your family and neighbors crazy.

Follow all of these steps and your drum sessions will be extremely quiet in no time!

Última actualización el 3 de marzo de 2021 por facundo

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