¡Aislamiento de celulosa versus fibra de vidrio para insonorización!

Cellulose and fiberglass, or glass wool as it’s actually called, are two of the most-used insulation materials in construction, with rockwool and spray foam, of course, and they both perform extremely well. However, is there one that outperforms the other? Is one more affordable, easier to install, etc.?

In this article, I will be comparing fiberglass to cellulose in terms of how they insulate against noise. I will also be going over their STC rating, Flame Spread index, because you always have to consider if what you’re putting into your home can be flammable or not, their overall installation costs, if you can do it yourself or if you need to hire someone, and much more.

Entonces, sin más preámbulos, ¡comencemos!

First you need to understand the differences between Soundproofing and Acoustic Treatment

Insonorización is the process of isolating or blocking the sound, not allowing it to enter or to leave a room. To do this you will need to use materials that are designed to not let sound through, like drywall.

Absorción de sonido, on the other hand, relies on materials that are good at absorbing sound, such as acoustic panels, acoustic blankets, etc. to reduce the “echo”, or reverberation, inside of a room.

Sound absorption materials, while not being great for soundproofing purposes on their own, may still help with it, which is why you might want to use it in conjunction with sound-blocking materials to achieve the best results. For example, drywall and rockwool used together.

When trying to reduce outside noise, we’re talking about soundproofing, but if you want to remove the “echo” in a room, like it can typically be heard in a big & empty one, then we would need materials that absorb sound.

Puedes aprender más sobre el diferencias entre insonorización y tratamiento acústico aquí.

Now let’s see how fiberglass and rockwool do as far as soundproofing goes:


Cellulose insulation is a low-thermal-conductivity material that is made out of 75 to 85% recycled paper or denim and which is heavily treated with boric acid, borax, or ammonium sulfate which act as flame retardants, giving cellulose flame retardant qualities.

Cellulose can either be loose-fill or blown-in insulation and can be used both in new homes as well as in already existing ones to replace or improve the already-existing insulation.

Cellulose is a great sound absorber since it’s thick and has a lot of air pockets inside of it, but more on how it performs soundproofing-wise in a second.

Does Cellulose insulation reduce noise?

When put inside a typical interior wall with ½” of drywall on either side, which has an STC rating of 34 on its own, adding cellulose insulation will increase that STC rating to 44, which is just slightly lower than Rockwool (STC of 45), but higher than Fiberglass and open-cell spray foam (STC of 39).

The STC Rating refers to the amount of noise that is being reduced in decibels; One point increase in the STC rating represents a 1dB noise reduction. So, the higher the STC rating, the better (but more on this later on).

As far as acoustic treatment goes, there are acoustic panels out there made out of cellulose, but contrary to fiberglass and rockwool, you can’t just make your own panels with the typically-used cellulose insulation since it’s loose-fill or blown-in insulation.

Benefits of Cellulose

  • Less air leakage: While cellulose isn’t airtight and will need an air barrier to really become airtight (just like fiberglass), it actually does slow down airflow by quite a bit when compared to fiberglass.
  • Ideal for tight spaces: Since cellulose is blown-in or loose-fill, this makes it a lot easier to cover an entire area with it and to really get it into the tight spots that are hard to reach.
  • Boric acid, borax, or aluminum sulfate used in cellulose insulation provide resistance to mold (if it never got wet), pests, and fire.

Drawbacks of Cellulose

When compared to other insulation materials, cellulose does have a couple more drawbacks, especially in relation to water absorption:

  • Cellulose must be kept dry as it absorbs up to 130 percent water by weight, and it dries very slowly after absorbing water, causing it to deteriorate and settle afterward. In addition to this, once it absorbs water, the chemical fire treatment is destroyed, and it becomes a breeding ground for mold.
  • Cellulose is much heavier than fiberglass, or any other insulation for that matter, and it also absorbs water which other insulation materials don’t, which could put the structural integrity of your home at risk if not accounted for.
  • Cellulose also settles about 20% over time, leaving a lot of gaps where heat and sound can get through.
  • Since it’s mostly made out of recycled paper, even though it’s been heavily treated with fire-retardant chemicals and has a flame spread index of 25 or less (more on how cellulose and fiberglass compare in terms of fire safety later on in the article), it will still burn quicker than fiberglass or rockwool.
  • It doesn’t absorb impact noise.

Is Cellulose considered a health risk?

Unlike other insulation materials, cellulose never has a definite list of components. Because of the complex mixture of chemicals, it is almost impossible to determine an accurate list of the components, but the primary ingredients are always ground newspapers, boric acid and borax.

Breathing shredded paper dust shed from cellulose insulation can cause some respiratory problems, and cellulose can emit gases from fire retardants, insecticides, solvents, and inks used in the manufacturing process.

Individuals with preexisting skin disorders and asthma are allergic to cellulose, because of its itch inducing particles which can be irritating to the eyes, skin, and lungs.

Lastly, once it gets wet it can become a breeding ground for mold.

Now, all that being said, cellulose doesn’t have very fine fibers which, if breathed in, are hard for the body to expel, which is actually the case with fiberglass, and this means that it shouldn’t cause any long-term damage if inhaled.

Fiberglass Insulation

Aislamiento de fibra de vidrio, o debidamente denominado lana de vidrio (fiberglass is actually the one used for boats, etc., which is rigid), is an insulation material made from fibers of glass arranged into a texture similar to wool.

El proceso atrapa muchas pequeñas bolsas de aire entre el vidrio, y estas pequeñas bolsas de aire dan como resultado altas propiedades de aislamiento térmico y acústico.

La lana de vidrio generalmente se presenta en forma de rollos o placas, con diferentes propiedades térmicas y mecánicas, pero también se produce como un material que puede pulverizarse o aplicarse in situ, lo que la hace bastante versátil.

On the back you can generally see an adhesive aluminum foil or paper, which serves as a vapor barrier and also to keep the fibers in place (it’s worth noting, however, that additional vapor barriers are generally needed).

Dado que es un material tan comúnmente utilizado para aislar una casa, los bloques que se pueden conseguir generalmente tienen el tamaño para caber en los montantes espaciados estándar de las paredes, lo que hace que la instalación sea bastante sencilla, pero si no cabe donde lo necesita, es bastante fácil de cortar (solo asegúrese de que encaje perfectamente, ya que cualquier espacio que quede sin sellar dejará pasar el calor y el sonido).

Does fiberglass insulation reduce noise?

When put inside a typical interior wall with ½” of drywall on either side, which has an STC rating of 34 on its own, adding fiberglass insulation will increase that STC rating to 39, which is identical to the insulation provided by open cell spray foam but lower than cellulose and rockwool.

Now, contrary to cellulose, Fiberglass, since it generally comes in batt form, can be used for acoustic treatment and a lot of people use it for treating the acoustics of their home studio since it’s fantastic at absorbing sound.

However, it’s worth noting that you will need to cover those panels with a very thick cloth since fiberglass can release tiny particles which you may breathe in and that can be bad for your health (which is why I generally recommend rockwool for acoustic panels).

Benefits of Fiberglass insulation

The benefits of fiberglass insulation are that it’s an excellent thermal and sound insulator (not as good of a thermal insulator as cellulose, however, since it doesn’t slow down the movement of air) and that it’s also quite affordable to purchase and install since you can do it yourself and don’t need to either hire a professional or rent equipment.

In addition to this, it’s not really flammable and has a Flame Spread index of 25 (similar to rockwool and cellulose, but it definitely keeps fire from spreading longer than cellulose because it’s just made out of glass), which is why I always recommend it over something like spray foam since that one is much more flammable and, therefore, more dangerous.

Drawbacks of Fiberglass insulation

Similar to cellulose, once fiberglass is installed it will begin to settle, which will cause it to leave a gap of air on top of it that lets sound and heat through. However, modern cellulose settles by about 20%, which is not the case with fiberglass (it settles much less).

You can’t install it with your bare hands since the tiny glass shards will hurt you, and it releases microscopic glass particles which can harm your respiratory system. So, my recommendation would be to wear gloves, a face mask and some safety goggles to be on the safe side.

Lastly, even though it’s quite good at heat insulation, it’s nowhere near as good as closed cell foam, which means that in more extreme climates it won’t be as effective.

Is Fiberglass dangerous?

Some studies have shown that fiberglass, or glass wool, can release some small particles into the air which, when breathed in, can cause irritation and that could be considered carcinogenic, which is why it should be covered with a really thick and tight cloth once installed, or completely sealed off.

In addition to this, when handled, small glass shards can hurt your skin, eyes and make their way into the respiratory system causing breathing difficulties, which is why you should always wear gloves, have as little exposed skin as possible, and wear safety goggles and a face mask.

Now, I know I already went over which material reduces sound transmission best by providing you with their STC values, but what does STC stand for?

STC (Sound Transmission class)

STC, o Clase de transmisión de sonido, es la clasificación utilizada en los EE. UU. para describir qué tan bien una partición de un edificio puede atenuar el sonido, como particiones interiores, techos, pisos, puertas, ventanas, etc.

En la mayoría de los demás países se utiliza el índice de reducción del sonido (SRI).

La clasificación STC refleja la reducción de decibelios de ruido que una partición puede proporcionar (1 STC equivale a una reducción de 1 dB), donde un número o clasificación más alto equivale a mejores resultados o atenuación general.

Aquí hay una tabla que muestra lo que representa cada calificación STC:

STCque se puede escuchar
25Se puede entender el habla normal.
30Se puede entender el habla en voz alta.
35Habla en voz alta, audible pero no inteligible.
40Habla en voz alta, audible como un murmullo.
45Se escucha un discurso fuerte pero no audible.
50Sonidos fuertes que se escuchan débilmente
60+Buena insonorización; la mayoría de los sonidos no molestan a los residentes vecinos.

Hay múltiples factores que intervienen en el cálculo de la clasificación STC, como el medio acústico, la masa, la absorción del sonido y más, de los materiales, pero no entraré en demasiados detalles sobre esto ya que no pertenece al artículo en sí.

STC Rating of Fiberglass vs Cellulose (Which one soundproofs the best)

Nota: Here I will be going over which type of insulation material works best when put inside a typical interior wall with ½” of drywall on either side, which has an STC rating of 34 on its own, and how it increases this rating.

Of course, the higher the STC rating, the better.

Lana Mineral45
Fibra de vidrio39
Espuma en aerosol39 for open cell 37 for closed cell

As you can see, from a purely acoustic insulation standpoint, rockwool outperforms all other insulation materials, with cellulose being a close second.

But what about safety? Which one is more or less flammable?

Fire Spread Rating

While this article focuses mainly on sound insulation, I think that it’s extremely important to address if these materials can be considered a fire hazard or not, which is determined by the flame spread index.

El índice de propagación de la llama se determina por la distancia que recorre una llama a lo largo de un sustrato de prueba en un período de tiempo específico para determinar su propensión a arder y la rapidez con la que puede propagar las llamas.

Se divide en estas 3 clases:

ClaseÍndice de propagación de llamas
  1. Clasificación de fuego Clase A indicar una clasificación de propagación de llama entre cero y 25. Los materiales que pertenecen a la Clase A o Clase 1 incluyen; Materiales exteriores de ladrillo, paneles de yeso y fibrocemento. Estos materiales no arden bien y es muy poco probable que aporten combustible a un incendio.
  2. Con clasificación de fuego Clase B o Clase 2, el índice de propagación de la llama disminuiría entre 26 y 75. Esta clasificación es típica de materiales de madera entera de combustión más lenta, como tablones que tienen la misma forma que tenían cuando se cortaron del árbol.
  3. Una clasificación contra incendios Clase C o Clase 3 tiene una clasificación de propagación de llama entre 76 y 200, que incorpora materiales de construcción como madera contrachapada, tableros de fibra y paneles de revestimiento de madera dura, así como cualquiera de las maderas enteras que queman más rápido.

¿Qué es un buen índice de propagación de llama?

Cuanto menor sea el índice de propagación de la llama, mejor, ya que esto significa que la llama no viajará ni se propagará tan rápidamente. Los materiales de Clase A, que tienen una clasificación de 0 a 25, no se queman bien y es muy poco probable que aporten combustible a un incendio, lo que los convierte en los más seguros.

Flame Spread Rating and smoke development of Cellulose vs Fiberglass Insulation

I will be including other popular insulation materials as well so that you don’t have to go scouring the internet for that info. Of course, the lower the number, the better:

MaterialClasificación de propagación de llamaDesarrollo de humo
Fibra de vidrio2550
Lana Mineral (Lana De Roca)2550
Espuma en aerosol75450
Vinilo cargado en masa25250

Both cellulose and fiberglass have a very low flame spread index and smoke development rating. Just remember that cellulose is made out of paper, and while the fire retardant chemicals may help it not burn as fast, at some point it will.

Rockwool and fiberglass, on the other hand, can withstand temperatures of up to 1000°C and are considered “fire-blocking”.

It’s worth noting that no matter what material it is you install in your home, if you give it enough time and heat it will burn at some point, but the lower the flame spread rating, the more time you have before the fire spreads.

Cost of Cellulose vs Fiberglass

Loose-fill cellulose typically costs about $0.50 to $1 per square foot, damp-spray cellulose costs about $0.60 to $1.80 per square foot of wall space, and Dense-packed cellulose often costs $2 to $2.25 per square foot, whereas Fiberglass insulation typically costs $0.30 to $1.50 per square foot.

Which one will last longer?

Once fiberglass has been installed it will last for the life of your home (between 80 and 100 years), that is, if it has been installed properly. Cellulose, on the other hand, will only last 20 to 30 years, with degradation beginning as early as 15 years after installation.

Which one is easier to install yourself?

Definitely fiberglass is easier to install yourself since you don’t need to hire a professional or need to rent additional machinery, whereas cellulose, since it’s blown-in or loose-fill, will require the use of additional equipment, which is also why professionals who already own that equipment generally do it.

Fiberglass and Cellulose Comparison Table

Here’s a quick table with all the differences between cellulose and fiberglass to make things easier for you:

 CelulosaFibra de vidrio
Sound Transmission Class4439
Blocking air effectivenessVery lowNone
Effective in extreme temperaturesMediumMedium
Sound DampeningVery HighVery High
Vapor BarrierNoNo
Longevity20-30 years and will start to degrade after 15.80-100 years (also depends on the installation)
FlammabilityExtremely low (Flame spread rating below 25)Extremely low (Flame spread rating below 25)
Installation ProcessGenerally, hire a professional.DIY with more caution


Fiberglass seems to be the better alternative, especially for anyone who wants to do the installation themselves, since you won’t need to rent out any additional equipment.

Also, cellulose absorbs a lot of water which is not the case with fiberglass, and this could cause a potential mold issue and also add a lot of weight to the structure of the home if it were to get wet at some point.

Lastly, fiberglass lasts like 3 to 4 times longer.

Now, you could always use cellulose to fill the tiny gaps that were left exposed after installing fiberglass, since it’s so much easier to seal every nook and cranny with cellulose. But you could also do this with spray foam and not have to deal with the settling and water absorption problems (just know that spray foam is much more flammable than both fiberglass and cellulose, so I wouldn’t recommend insulation the entire home with it if you can).


Does cellulose insulation settle over time? Cellulose insulation is known for settling about 20% after it’s been installed, leaving a lot of open gaps for air, and therefore hear and sound, to get in or out.

How long will cellulose last? Contrary to most other insulation materials which last 80-100 years, cellulose insulation will only last about 20 to 30, and it may also begin degrading as soon as 15 years after being installed, and since it also absorbs a lot of water, once it gets we it will degrade even faster.

Is cellulose or fiberglass insulation better for soundproofing? Cellulose offers better sound insulation than fiberglass, but this comes at the cost of cellulose not being water resistant and absorbing up to 130 percent water by weight, which decreases its insulation capabilities, it becomes a breeding ground for mold, and it starts degrading much sooner.








Última actualización el 11 de mayo de 2022 por facundo

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